Several months ago, I was charged with planning an art show for a large open house my workplace was to do for the greater Princeton community. As you might recall from my previous post, the event happened fairly recently (July 1), and, as the photographs below will attest, the show went on!
Really, this show came together from the ground up. I researched, found, & purchased the metal wire display panels for the organization, put out a call to artists, made signs & labels with matching designs, coordinated artwork drop-off & pick-up–all sorts of things. Big tasks right down to the details. I’m very grateful to the set-up and take-down crew. 3 of us did set-up–the perfect number for this, really–and it was quite easy to put the panels together. It took little more than an hour to set them in formation (rather like a boat shape).
It’s remarkable what good teamwork and working from a sense of completion can do. We also had a fortuitous surprise: the square pattern on the rug ended up being very helpful for aligning the bases–a discovery made by one of my teammates, who just so happened to have selected that rug for the chapel 30 years ago!
The panels were set up on the Friday morning before the event. Art drop-off was that afternoon.
14 artists and 35 pieces in various styles were showcased, including paintings, drawings, photography, quilting (note the gray quilt in the back right of the top photo — we draped the quilt over the organ console), woodworking (stool), and sculpture. You might notice a certain 4-legged helper in the background — he gave good moral support and made sure there was lots of room for doggies to run around the art show without knocking anything over.
If you are curious about any of the pieces (“Who’s the artist?” etc.) let me know. Glad to share. Here are my pieces. You might recognize a couple of them. (L to R, Bubblegum Pop, Asher, and Rescue Dog)
The whole event was well attended, and the art show very well received. Success! Ready for the next one–whenever that may be.