My posts have been few and far between the past few months, but I have some good things to share. First, a couple new email subscribers have signed up to receive updates. Welcome & thank you.
Second, I moved into a new apartment recently. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my temporary abode the past seven months and for my new home–especially all the space to hang artwork and to work on projects, plus a big closet to store art supplies!
I am also grateful that this past weekend, I got to attend another anime convention as an exhibitor in the artist alley. It was very short notice; I had applied and was waitlisted back in May or June; then a week ago Sunday, I discovered an email saying that there was now an opening for me to attend. Of course I signed up! As I usually do after conventions, I’ll post a summary in the offing; for now I will simply say business went astoundingly well.
Happy Thanksgiving!