Today is one of those exceptionally frequent days when Largo al factotum is my theme song: errands, business correspondence & coordination, queries, writing assistance, cleaning work, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. (May I present His Majesty, The King of Siam.) These sorts of days are especially frequent while at Principia; the Principia multi-departmental pull will recommence in a month or so.
Several checkpoints have been passed:
- John Churchmouse has come ’round the circle of fifths — the text is complete (as of the 10th); rough drafts have begun.
- Meeting this Monday to determine details about launching Terry Treble Music Adventures
- Largo al factotum! After trimming & cutting, a third draft of The Antiquary is ready for what may be the last read-through. (By the way, there is a barber who is somewhat a factotum in The Antiquary; his name is Caxon, not Figaro.)
- Ordered test samples of a new note card, “Tulip Trio.” (I considered calling it “Threelips,” but that is neither melodious nor attractive.)
In other thrilling news, my Rise of the Guardians art book arrived today! Magnificent work — an inspiration to any storybuilder.
And now, to draw my post to a rousing close–
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