Rhyme & Season

The snow and sun in Elsah shine whilst I have art to fill the time.

You may have noticed that literary devices occasionally make appearances in the Captain’s Log. This week’s adventures are brought to you by rhymes. (Two weeks ago, it was alliteration.)

I started a painting of the M. Moran, a sea-going tugboat. The image is based on (a photocopy of) an old newspaper photograph, or rather, part of a photograph, since the stern of the tug is cut off. (At least I assume it is a colorized photograph; it looks like an old tinted poster or postcard but does not have the same graphic quality. At some point, I’d like look into it and learn about printing press graphics.) At one time, the M. Moran (designed by my great uncle) was one of the most powerful tugboats in the world. It traveled between Korea and the continental United States, stopping only in Hawaii.

As I practice drawing goats for my latest illustration commission, Do You Have a Pebble in Your Pocket?, a counting book for very young children, I am discovering how much goats, despite being ungulates, resemble dogs in certain respects, not exclusively a penchant for chewing.

More accurately, quotation marks, which make regular appearances in the fantasy/science-fiction novel I am editing for an acquaintance. 7 chapters down, 15 to go.

A divertimento from visual art — music notes. (Not a surprise, given rehearsals and practice, plus playing the Chapel carillon before church & before hymn sing this past Sunday.) Again, when MusicLearningCommunity sends word about the Terry Treble print run, I’ll post information about purchasing Terry books 1 & 2.

We may soon abandon them — today was a tropical 30-40 degrees! Also, over the next couple of weeks, I intend to upload more art — flora, fauna, and merry weather* — to Draws the Eventide. I’ll include concept sketches from my ongoing projects so you can get a tiny taste of what’s developing (beyond general progress reports).

*Any Sleeping Beauty fans in the audience? Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are the three good fairies in Disney’s take on the classic fairy tale. Merry weather would also eliminate the need for coats.