Christmas Swing

Now that Christmas break’s in full swing, it’s time to give you readers a ring! (Lest I mislead, this post has nothing to do with holiday jazz, telephones, or bells — although I did play Christmas music on the carillon a week ago.)

Work for the term (writing internship, that is — storybuilding is never done) finished last week, which means instead of squeezing story time between meetings, teaching, and rehearsals, I have to squeeze it between Christmas activities, housework, and moving the cats off the drawing board.

And there are developments! Here’s a smattering:

  • Terry Treble Music Adventures: Books I & II are in the printing queue!
  • Post-November novel “Goodness, there’s a long way to go” revision/keep writing/overhaul process has begun
  • Operation: Opera continues — and hopefully will produce a tighter version of The Antiquary
  • Preliminary work on commissioned art for Centralia Carillon

And so many more things to explore! Who knows? Maybe I’ll wade into the realm of creative non-fiction and write a collection of this Christmas season’s “everyday adventures.” Life is an adventure, after all; we just have to remember it as such.


But not octoberries. Unless you enjoy autumn-flavored cephalopods. Sounds like fodder for a seasonal sushi joint.

Maybe I should start a weekly wordplay page. (Wednesdays, to triple the alliteration.) Would you enjoy that (or read in the first place)?

The end of September and consequent beginning of the august month of October have brought news and continuing progress.

Results are in for Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. Racing Pajamas did not place, but I am grateful that the books will be donated to libraries somewhere. Seeds will be planted & spread abroad to work in places I know not–and yield fruit.

Project Progress:

  • Revised Antiquary synopsis
  • Began compiling Antiquary set notes
  • Started T-shirt design projects (felt ready to do something shorter-term). First subject: Jack Frost of Guardian fame. And advancing my knowledge of Photoshop along the way.
  • Read a 500+ page book on the art of Disney animation & gleaned a lot: Artistic inspiration, food for thought, ideas for creative problem-solving, insight on the film-making process, tips for drawing/composing an animation shot/sequence
  • Received final details for Terry Treble Music Adventures 1 & 2 — the books will be finished (design-wise, not print-ready) this weekend!

This, of course, is on top of a full school/teaching schedule. (Which, I triumphantly add, included designing an annotated bibliography worksheet inspired by The Legend of Zelda.) Fall break begins tomorrow afternoon — a release from academia & the perfect opportunity to accomplish much.

Noteable Read

The latest issue of Imprimis, a forever free “Monthly Digest on Liberty and the Defense of America’s Founding Principles” is very applicable to my purpose & outlook as a storybuilder. The article? “The Case for Good Taste in Children’s Books” by Meghan Cox Gurdon, who reviews children’s books for the Wall Street Journal.

To read it, click this: & select July 2013.

Noteable: I am formatting another card (daffodils) & revising the tulip one I explored partway through summer.

Managing the Market


After working with a customer today, I refurbished the For “Sail” page and shopping methods, thereby streamlining information and eliminating shopping cart troubles. Now all purchases on Draws the Eventide are made directly through me. (Cash, check, and credit card are all still viable payment options.) This makes it easier to do special requests such as assorted card packages (which was not possible with the shopping cart). Direct contact will also build rapport with customers and visitors like you!


Like “liking” on Facebook? Racing Pajamas is now advertised on the Youth Sailing St. Louis Facebook page. Check it out! Write a review! Hope you “like” it! 😉


If you have ideas or suggestions about ways to improve this site, upcoming books, project requests, or just think all’s swell, leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you.