New Book: A Psalm for When I Wander

I am delighted to announce my newest book! A Psalm for When I Wander is a poem about God’s guidance and the third book I have written, illustrated, and published.

It is fair to say this book was 9 years in the making. (Representative of the 9 spheres of heaven?) The illustrations were painted in 2014 for a different project that did not come to fruition. Because they had been made to accompany a specific manuscript (not mine), I considered well what to do for a new text that could stand with the illustrations as a complete, independent work. It became clear that the text should not be a narrative depicted or explained by the art, not so prosaic as “One sunny day, the little white goat wandered away.” Rather, the text and the art should complement each other.

Complements exist in other literary forms. I thought specifically of haiga, a Japanese form that unites poetry, often haiku, with art that often does not literally depict the scene or event in the poem. (In fact, it’s better if it doesn’t.) Traditionally, the poems were paired with simple ink paintings. More types of art are paired today.

Given the illustrations’ pastoral qualities, the only thing to do was to write a poem and prayer about God as shepherd. It took shape over the course of a few months and was inspired by a longer medieval poem. So as not to spoil the delight for those who enjoy discovering on their own, that work shall here remain unnamed.

Aside from a few spots that I edited slightly, the artwork remains unchanged from 2014. To see some of the illustration process, have a look at these past posts (which cover other projects, too):

A Psalm for When I Wander is $10 plus applicable postage.

Other books available:

Please email me if you would like a copy of Psalm or any of the other books. Blessings to all.

Summer 2023 Update

Back in March, I mentioned 3 projects, one short-term (covered in that post), one medium-term, and one long-term project. Here’s the update on the medium-term one, a new book. I wrote (and edited recursively) a poem to accompany the existing art and made a few adjustments to some of the illustrations–all of which always takes more time than imagined. Finally, after a pause and reviewing with a fresh perspective, I am in the process of finding a company to have it printed. There will be a grand unveiling post when it is ready.

I am also sporadically working to finalize a Pandagram design for Pangrams, a panda playing tangrams. When that is settled, I will only be two captions away from producing a new, international-themed Pandagrams card pack. (Japanda and Pangrams are the two still in need of satisfying sayings.)

That’s all, folks. Happy August.

Princeton Art Bazaar 2023 Recap

Hello, world. This is Ella (Genevieve’s cat). Genevieve was so busy preparing for and tidying up after the art fair that I thought I’d help by writing about it for her.

It was more than a year since her last fair, so she decided to test everything again. One day all the furniture began to move, and my whole upstairs changed.

Where are my chairs? What’s this net for? Yummy fishies?

Since my chairs are gone, I’ll lie on this. (Art portfolio.)

Oh, she hangs pictures on the fishnet. She was very happy to discover she can fold up the tent and store it in its bag with the net still attached. She can save set-up time in the future!

Yay, I found some of my chairs. One side is just as good as the other.

Is this table sturdy enough? I’ll test it.

Seems okay. I’ll check the other side.

It’s good! I apply the stretchy seal of approval.

Genevieve kept putting all this stuff on the floor & moving it around. I guess to figure out how it should look.

After coming up with the setup, she put the tables away, but she still wasn’t done. She had to figure out spring cleaning clearance pricing and groupings. We looked at lots of pictures together.

The beach? I think you’ll sell that one. (She did.)

The shoe? Maybe you shouldn’t bring that. (She didn’t.)

An open bin! Is it big enough? Did you pack everything? Can I fit?

She did not let me go outside while she packed the car, so she’ll take over writing the post now.

Thank you, Ella. As you can see, art fairs always take a lot of time to prepare, but gratefully everything carried off without a hitch. What’s more, I have settled on a booth layout that I like and will keep, so I don’t have to repeat the furniture and tent escapades.

The bazaar went very well. The weather was beautiful (especially after a week of rain), there was a good turn-out, and I am satisfied on the sales front. I’m pleased to have sold 3 somewhat larger paintings and several smaller items (and to have a little bit more storage space). More important than the sales, though, are the good conversations I had with people who perused my booth, even if they didn’t buy anything. It is interesting and fulfilling to hear what people find meaningful and special about the artwork.

Princeton Art Bazaar 2023

I am pleased to announce I will have a booth at Princeton Art Bazaar the first weekend in May. The community event is Saturday, May 6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Paul Robeson Place, by the Arts Council of Princeton’s building and the back of the public library. The rain date is Sunday, May 7 (same hours). Entry is free.

About 80 artists, craftsmen, and vendors from the area will have work and goods on display. A humble selection of my artwork and cards, including Pandagrams, will be available. The Arts Council does not allow books at the bazaar, so Racing Pajamas and Cartage will not be offered at this sale, but you can always contact me separately about them any time.

If you are in town, please stop by, say hi, and have a look.

Marching Along

Hmm. Judging by the title, the Art Walks may be done, but wordplay and references to foot travel persist. So be it. I have updates on three projects this month: a long-term one, a medium-term one, and short-term one.

Long-term: Recently I finished illustrations for a Biblical children’s book. It is a retelling of an Old Testament story. After the author and I wrap things up, I will share more.

Medium-term: A few months ago, an illustration project I completed for a client a few years ago fell through. In short, after long absences, the client completely rewrote the story, so the illustrations no longer fit. I have been thinking about how to use them for a book of my own. More on that, too, when things are further along.

I have posted some of the art before, so if you would like to see any, either visit the Illustration gallery (after the Racing Pajamas illustrations) or, for some different images, including in-process work, search for “goats” in the site search bar.

Short-term: A special lady who has has served the organization where I work is retiring from the board. She has served with overflowing love and joy in many capacities over multiple decades. This drawing was part of her send-off and thank-you gifts.