Christmas Canine

I looked at the calendar and decided to squeeze one more post into the year, something short and sweet. Like Coda (the resident puppy)!

So here’s a drawing of Coda (from a photograph) I gave my mother for Christmas. It was done in charcoal and colored pencil. I drew on the rough side of pastel paper to achieve the textured look. Click to enlarge.


Merry Christmas, and blessings for the new year.


Christmas Swing

Now that Christmas break’s in full swing, it’s time to give you readers a ring! (Lest I mislead, this post has nothing to do with holiday jazz, telephones, or bells — although I did play Christmas music on the carillon a week ago.)

Work for the term (writing internship, that is — storybuilding is never done) finished last week, which means instead of squeezing story time between meetings, teaching, and rehearsals, I have to squeeze it between Christmas activities, housework, and moving the cats off the drawing board.

And there are developments! Here’s a smattering:

  • Terry Treble Music Adventures: Books I & II are in the printing queue!
  • Post-November novel “Goodness, there’s a long way to go” revision/keep writing/overhaul process has begun
  • Operation: Opera continues — and hopefully will produce a tighter version of The Antiquary
  • Preliminary work on commissioned art for Centralia Carillon

And so many more things to explore! Who knows? Maybe I’ll wade into the realm of creative non-fiction and write a collection of this Christmas season’s “everyday adventures.” Life is an adventure, after all; we just have to remember it as such.

Racing Pajamas “Tour”

Clarion call: On Thursday, I picked up final copies of Racing Pajamas from my printer! Half a day later, I set out for the east coast on my “book tour” — delivering books to interested persons (including pre-orders) as my family traveled. For a fractal feel, I’ll add that I have had a tour within a tour. My great uncle purchased several books and, after talking it over with his Sheltie, decided to distribute them to the “dog friends” in the neighborhood because most of them have grandchildren. So, the past few days, we’ve delivered the copies, and the people have been entirely pleasant and receptive. The Spirit of charity is abroad! May it continue each day of every year.

Here Hattie looks a little like Haruto (Sakuraba from Eyeshield 21).

In the meanwhile, Terry Treble is increasing tempo (doing digital designing and editing), and a whirl of other ideas are rattling the door to get out and play, but too many at once could form a fray. Ah, all the things to do in one day.

Merry Christmas!